
We hope you will also be happy with the Lighthouse teacher…
  • Students
    Fumi sanジョンさんのレッスンはジェスチャーやクイズをしたり、歌をうたったりと毎回とても楽しかったです!
    Yuko san娘の英語ができるようになったのはジョンさんのおかげです。ジョンさん、大好きです。
    Mami sanジョンさんはいつも優しく、そして丁寧に英語を教えてくださいました。教えてくださったことを忘れずに、これからも勉強を続けます。
    - English Class in Ghana, Africa
  • Global Village English School
    "For all his classes he was well prepared, using a wide variety of materials, often of his own construction, in order to promote effective language acquisition, while keeping student interest at a high level… we are certain he will prove his worth in any teaching position he is in."
    - English Teacher: Global Village English School, Shimo-Suwa, Japan
  • The British School

    "John has successfully delivered the full breadth of the National Curriculum to Year 3 and Year 5 children through well ordered and stimulating classrooms… John is a caring and very well organised teacher who has contributed much to the school."

    - Class Teacher: The British School, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

  • Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

    "John Barrs is very sensitive to the different needs of children… I shall be very sad to lose the services of someone who has given much to the school and teaching. I feel he will be a great asset to any educational establishment."

    - Class Teacher: Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, London, UK

  • Voluntary Service Overseas

    "John effectively identifies professional development needs, as well as the factors that enable and constrain change. He involves all stakeholders to support the development and implementation of programmes and strategies to help meet these needs… John has gained the respect of colleagues and has consistently delivered what was asked of him and what he has agreed to do."

    - Primary Teacher Adviser: Voluntary Service Overseas (UK) in the Maldives

  • Voluntary Service Overseas
    "John works with a very high level of motivation and commitment and has proven ability:
    • To manage a large budget to successfully meet donor interests
    • To negotiate with suppliers and to manage business and contractural arrangements
    • To gather and evaluate information, consider options, assess levels of risk, make appropriate decisions and to innovate where necessary to help solve project related problems
    • To develop and manage good confident relationships with VSO programme office staff and other education professionals - including those working at higher levels
    • To facilitate the work of committees
    • To involve other partners (i.e. the ministry of education) in taking ownership through commitment of staff and other resources
    • To write reports, maintain records and to provide necessary information in a timely manner"
    - Project Manager: Voluntary Service Overseas, (UK) in the Maldives

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